All in wear your pin!

The AFA pin is a symbol of our collective strength. When we wear the AFA pin, it shows our flying partners and management that we support building our Flight Attendant union and we take pride in the work we do. It’s our legal right to wear our union pin as a part of our uniform – including our newest flying partners still on probation. This pin means we are never alone!
Wear your pin today (and every day!) and make sure to share a pin selfie! Tag @AFADelta on Instagram or @DeltaAFA on Twitter and use the hashtags below on social media to spread the pin love.
With 54.6 million people expected to travel over the holiday period, this Thanksgiving is expected to be the third busiest since AAA started tracking travel volume in 2000. (The number peaked in 2005 and was second-highest right before the pandemic in 2019.)
The first step is a simple act of visibility. Wear your AFA pin today and every day. Wear it proudly. Let’s show management and the flying public our solidarity. Talk to your flying partners about why you support our union at Delta.
Sign your union card and then sign up to join our campaign. This is our chance, and we’re the only ones who can make sure we succeed. We have to do it together.
In solidarity,
Management “Solutions” Won’t Work, But We Know What Will
Statement on AA5342 on behalf of the Delta AFA Steering Committee and Base Activists