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About Us

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Together, we are the heart of Delta Air Lines. We want to be members of the Association of Flight Attendants-CWA, AFL-CIO to be able to fully express the pride we take in a job well done as the people on the frontlines of Delta's success.

Since we launched our campaign for AFA representation in November, 2019, hundreds of Delta Flight Attendants have become activists, working every day to build our Flight Attendant union. We’ve had thousands of conversations about the challenges Flight Attendants face and the importance of a strong union.

In 2020, we saw over and over the critical importance of having voice and legally-binding rights on the job. While Flight Attendants in unionized workplaces had clear processes and procedures, management at Delta issued top-down directives that often created confusion and chaos with everything from scheduling to commuter rights to expectations of mask policy enforcement.

Our Flight Attendant Union is not an institution. It's the hearts and souls of the professionals who are our flying partners. Our campaign to become full AFA members is not just about signing a card. This is about loving what we do together as aviation's first responders for the safety, health, and security of our passengers and crew – and the means to negotiate for our fair share of the value we create at Delta.

Thanks to our hard work, Delta has led the industry with nearly double the profits of any other airline in recent years. In 2020, Delta was able to stay financially stable thanks in large part to thousands of Flight Attendants who took voluntary leave. But an MIT study for Flight Attendant total compensation – including wages, benefits, and profit sharing – shows that on average we make far less than United and American Flight Attendants. We should lead the industry with the best contract and that starts with building our campaign together for AFA.

Just talking about gaining our Flight Attendant union is already making positive change at Delta and we can work together to make the most out of this now. Let's lift up our profession with Flight Attendants across America and throughout the world. We are Stronger Together, Better Together.