Where is the plan, Ed?
It’s Day 5 of this meltdown and senior Delta management has not communicated a plan to fix this mess. The systems are still going down unexpectedly. Just today, as of 12:30p.m. ET, we’re limping along with another 13% canceled and 21% delayed. The cancellations and delays are fewer than yesterday, but still far greater than a typical “bad day” for aviation.
We’ve gotten one “explanation” video with Ed saying “it’s going to take another couple of days” and desperate pleas from Inflight to pick up.
We’re Flight Attendants. We know how to fix the problem. At this point at a unionized carrier, we would have had our Delta AFA union reps working with management to protect and respect our crew with a plan and clear communication. This is a crisis and there’s no time for half measures. Every minute wasted in their decision-making is a minute too late for recovery and delivering the public reliable, efficient air travel.
It’s time to stop with the excuses and the empty thank you’s. Management has had days to implement a plan for recovery and recognition of the hell we’ve been through. As our Delta AFA union, this is what we would recommend:
Extra pay for everyone working in the operation from July 19, regardless of how the trip was assigned or picked up
Staff-up corporate Hotel Team to get Flight Attendants accommodations faster
Automatic extension of hotel rooms for cancellations to prevent eviction/automatic authorization for hotel to extend room
All Base locations to have authorization to secure rooms
Provide Commuter Hotels
If the flight is canceled, do not have to report to the airport until their rotation is updated
All crews on their days off out of base at a hotel need to be returned home
Respect and restore days off
Clear instructions for crews upon flight cancellation
Management must at least double the number of schedulers for the long-term. We’ve heard reports there are as few as 53 crew schedulers in the department. That is unacceptable and not consistent with carriers our size. United and Spirit have over 100 schedulers and American has over 200.
No discipline issued for anyone in operation as the Flight Attendant has no way of reaching crew tracking and/or crew scheduling in a timely manner
Continued positive space
With a contract, Delta Flight Attendants would be more empowered to make decisions. Without one, many in the workgroup are afraid to take action to protect themselves for fear of discipline. When things like this happen, we would have had a group of elected representatives to advocate on our behalf, interface directly with management (helping both the Flight Attendants and the airline with more efficient communication) and demand changes.
For all of you who have been impacted, we are here for you. If there is anything we can do to help, please reach out. Sign your AFA card, carry cards for others, and get involved in our campaign to determine our future together. We are stronger together and better together!