Toxic Uniform Lands’ End Class Action Lawsuit

On December 31, 2019, Delta Air Lines Flight Attendants and other employees brought suit against Lands’ End, the manufacturer of the Delta uniforms, in federal court in Wisconsin. The lead counsel on the case is Bruce Maxwell, a partner in the Florida law firm Terrell & Hogan. Though the uniform issue arose at Delta prior to the start of AFA’s organizing campaign, Mr. Maxwell has had extensive consultations with AFA’s Legal and Air Safety, Health & Security Department about the suit in light of AFA’s years of experience addressing similar toxic uniform issues at Alaska Airlines and at other carriers represented by AFA. AFA is continuing to consult with Mr. Maxwell, particularly on the type of scientific testing used to identify the toxic materials that are causing a host of health issues for Delta Flight Attendants.
Many Delta Flight Attendants have asked AFA whether they should join the suit since they are also suffering from health issues that appear related to the uniforms. AFA is not party to the suit and cannot provide legal advice on whether you are entitled to damages due to your injuries. But as a general matter, it is common in these types of class action suits for individual plaintiffs to suffer from different degrees of injury, from mild to severe. It is the court who will ultimately determine if the uniform is causing an injury and if so, what the appropriate monetary damages should be to remedy that injury. The more severe the injury, the greater the amount of damages; less severe injuries receive less damages. In other words, it doesn’t disadvantage other if you decide to join the suit. There is no reason not to join the suit if you are affected.
If you wish to join the suit or have additional questions, you should contact the Terrell & Hogan laws firm directly. (904-632-2424).
AFA will continue to work closely with Mr. Maxwell as the suit moves forward through the court system and we will provide updates as developments occur.
Statement on AA5342 on behalf of the Delta AFA Steering Committee and Base Activists