Steering Committee Statement on EIG Elections
Our AFA campaign is about empowering Delta Flight Attendants to make our own decisions as a union. We know that the Delta Flight Attendants involved with the Employee Involvement Group (EIG) have the best intentions. But it’s crucial to understand that the EIG cannot replace our union or a legally binding contract with Delta management, or even serve as a “stand-in” in the meantime. Employee involvement organizations controlled by management, like the EIG, are one of the many union busting tools that mega-corporations, including Delta, use to demoralize and distract workers from taking collective action.
We believe participating in the EIG as a union activist sends mixed signals to our flying partners who are not aware that the group has no actual power to “uplift our voices.” To drive real change, we need a legally-recognized union. Rather than endorse candidates running for EIG positions, we encourage activists who are passionate about making our workplace better to dedicate their efforts towards building our union—talking to crewmembers on every flight, welcoming first time card signers, and mentoring new activists.
Our Union Support Following a Critical Incident