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Reroute “rights?” Not exactly.

Summer is here. And so are the reroutes. Management devised every word of its current “work rules” without a Delta Flight Attendant in the room.

The FAWR, PPH, IROPs Go Guide — all one-sided mandates about how we should behave, be paid (or not), react, and respond to awarded schedules and random reroutes. Nothing about contingencies or penalties for I.T. screw ups, schedulers’ inexperience, or retaliation if we exercise Delta’s own option-off points.

There is a better way.

After we win our union, current “rules” remain in place because Delta cannot retaliate against us for forming our union. We negotiate up from there. Our AFA Negotiating Committee meets with management and negotiates enforceable contract language that protects Flight Attendants in daily operations and during IROPs.

In fact, even defining an IROP is part of negotiations! We can negotiate to make sure a southern storm doesn’t immediately mean there’s a systemwide IROP that throws every Flight Attendant on perfunctory A-days. Gaining our union means we are legal stakeholders with power to negotiate over what are now entirely lopsided decisions. We can negotiate and lock in what an IROP is, how long the irregular operations might last, incentive pay, IROP pay, return to base, commuter incentives, a “meet and confer” agreement when ops normalize — all subject to contractual definition and detailed, unambiguous language.

That’s a two-way street, not summer steamrolling.

Being part of the discussion about our rights and responsibilities during regular and irregular ops is a benefit only a contract affords. Sign your AFA card, carry cards for others, and get involved in our campaign to determine our future together. Let's have a great summer organizing our union.

Who to call when it all falls apart

This in no way replaces a contract or a union to back it up, but our campaign wants to make sure you at least have the “rules” the company’s put out today and who to contact if you have an issue.

  • IROP Go Guide
  • Section 3: Pay Protection, Time Lost on a Single Rotation
Time Lost on a Single Rotation
  • Section 3: Pay Protection, Rotations Transiting Two Bid Periods

1. "Rotations impacted by the transition replacement process will be pay protected as follows:
  - Rotations that are replaced with a transition rotation of the same or greater trip length will pay either the new rotation value or the master value of the original rotation, whichever is greater.
  - Rotations that are replaced with a transition rotation of shorter trip length will pay the value of the shorter rotation. In addition, if a window of availability exists in the current bid month, you will have pay protection options as detailed in Section 3.B. A window of availability will not be created for any time lost in the next bid month.
  - Rotations that are cancelled during the transition replacement process will generate a window of availability for the time lost in the current month. You will have pay protection options as detailed in Section 3.B. A window of availability will not be created for any time lost in the next bid month."

  • Section 2: Compensation, Reroute Pay (RR Pay)

1. "If a reroute or delay causes your next assignment to be dropped due to insufficient break, or 24 in 7 rest, you will still be provided RR pay, provided the parameters above are met. If your next rotation was dropped due to a rotation overlap, only the scheduled time between your originally scheduled rotations would qualify as off time for the calculation of RR pay.
2. During Severe Operations, when Mandatory Availability is in effect (Refer to Sections 14.A and 14.B), if you are assigned an alternate rotation that is scheduled to release more than 4 hours past your original rotation’s scheduled release, then draft (DRFT) pay is due. If the alternate rotation is subsequently rerouted or delayed and qualifies, RR pay will apply.
3. If you are drafted for a rotation or pick up a rotation with incentive pay and the rotation is subsequently rerouted or delayed and qualifies, RR pay will apply in addition to the DRFT or IPY pay.
4. If a qualifying reroute is into a scheduled PPT day, you are due the RR pay. In addition, you can either keep the scheduled PPT day or request that it be returned to your PPT bank.
5. If your rotation is shortened by a reroute, generates a ‘CALL’ window on your schedule, and you select priority pick-up as your pay protection option, you may still qualify for RR pay if your now shortened rotation is subsequently rerouted or delayed into your new off time by more than 4 hours. You must contact the Pay Support Desk via the Pay Desk Form to facilitate this transaction.
6. If you are a tripholder on a rotation that is rerouted and releases during a subsequent A-Day block, RR pay is due only if the parameters described above are met (i.e. – you are rerouted into more than 4 hours of off time before the start of your A-Day). A-Day guarantee will be reduced by any originating flight/credit time accrued on the A-Day.
7. If you are removed mid-rotation in conjunction with any of the parameters detailed in Section 10, RR compensation will be based on the release time of the last completed flight segment or non-fly duty period prior to the removal.
8. If a qualifying reroute impacts a training day or other non-fly duties that must be rescheduled, you are due the RR pay.
9. Transition replacement rotations that extend you more than 4 hours beyond your original release time do not qualify for RR pay.
10. RR pay is viewable in MOTS and MAPS and is displayed dynamically based on projected times until the rotation is completed. RR pay will be based on the actual off time impacted at the completion of the rotation. RR pay does not count towards your annual flight hours requirement for benefits."

  • Section 2: Compensation, Flown Into Vacation Day Pay (FIVD)

1. "FIVD pay applies when you are rerouted or delayed into a vacation day.
2. When FIVD is applied to your rotation, you will be paid an additional 6 hours of flight pay.
3. You can leave the vacation day where it is or you can opt to move the vacation day to the end of that specific vacation week, provided it does not cross into the next vacation year. Any rotation dropped as a result is not pay protected.
4. If a rotation qualifies for RR pay in addition to FIVD, both will be paid."