"Management puts the burden of the operation on our backs"

I grew up in a union family. My dad was a Teamster in North Carolina. He worked on the docks and drove trucks on local runs—and he was also the shop steward for his local.
Growing up, I heard stories every day about what it meant to be in a union. I saw what my dad was able to accomplish because he had a voice on the job with clear rights in black and white. He and his coworkers didn’t just rely on the company to decide what was right for them, they had a say.
When I came to Delta 10 years ago, I saw right away that we needed a union of our own.
Today, I’m proud to organize for our union with AFA. There’s something special about organizing to join a union that’s by Flight Attendants and for Flight Attendants, and it shows every day in the enthusiasm and passion our team has for this campaign.
As an activist, I’ve had the opportunity to meet and really get to know so many people. Growing up we didn’t travel much, but now I meet people from different backgrounds, cultures and religions. It’s taught me so much as a person, and opened my eyes to the world.
On our campaign, we’re building solidarity that’s strengthened by our differences. We’re bringing together our diverse voices and experiences to create something powerful to better our careers and our ability to live a good life. We’re supporting one another and strengthening our workplace.
Let’s be honest—if we want Delta to be the best place to work, we have to build that and lock it in so we ensure this is always a great place to work. Management has shown us over and over again that they’re not interested in what we need, and to be fair they don't have the same perspective we do. We need our own seat at the table.
We all see why we need our own voice at Delta. The weekend meltdowns that seem to happen on a weekly basis. The ways that management ignores the rulebook when it suits them, like flying us through days off and extending duty days. The changes to our pay and benefits without our input.
We’re told all the time that we’re “a family,” and we don’t need a union. But instead of taking steps to take care of us, management puts the burden of the operation on our backs. I have flying partners who have been forced to work through family events, doctor’s appointments, even jury duty. Management just says, “Well, the operation comes first.”
That’s not family, that’s a company. If we want to build a family, we have to build it with each other. Let’s secure our union and make sure that we have a real family at Delta, and a real say in our working conditions, pay and benefits. Sign your card now, then join me as an activist on our campaign.
In unity,
Will, SLC
Delta Flight Attendant & AFA Activist
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