Management never sees your card
Delta management never sees your card and will never know your card status.
The law that protects your right to organize and protects you from management retaliation is called the Railway Labor Act (RLA). It's your right to choose legal representation with AFA.
Once we demonstrate a majority of signed authorization cards to form our Union with AFA, we will file for an election with the National Mediation Board (NMB). Management will then have to provide a list of Delta Flight Attendants to the NMB.
Remember: Delta management never sees your authorization cards. The NMB keeps authorization cards confidential and asks the executives to produce the list of eligible Flight Attendants and home addresses.
What does it mean to Sign an AFA Authorization Card?
Uniting with fellow Flight Attendants provides a stronger voice at Delta and lifts our careers overall.
Achieving a strong voice in our workplace and the protections we need begins with signing an authorization card.
Next, an election entitles all Delta Flight Attendants to vote to secure your legal rights as Union members.
Delta has made billions more than any other airline. Ed Bastian has a contract and we should too. If our work generates the highest profits we should have an industry-leading contract, not just industry standard policies that management can change on a whim.
Sign your union card, put on your AFA pin, and then sign up to join our campaign. This is our chance, and we’re the only ones who can make sure we succeed. We’re doing it together.
In Solidarity,
Your Delta AFA Organizing Committee
Who should sign an authorization card?
Anyone on the seniority list, including new hires and Flight Attendants out on leave. Everyone counts.
Where can I sign an authorization card?
You can sign an AFA authorization card in non-work areas. Specifically, non-work areas include:
in the crew lounges where Flight Attendants relax and socialize with your co-workers
shuttle vans to and from a layover hotel or employee parking lot
anywhere while on a layover
on the concourse before you report to your assigned gate
any place where you are not engaged in work duties
If a supervisor attempts to interfere with your right to sign an authorization card, don’t argue. It immediately report the incident to: [email protected] so we can affirm your rights.