Learn the facts about Healthcare at Delta.

Two years ago, Delta management unilaterally changed Healthcare providers.
Since then, Flight Attendants have struggled to seek care from our doctors who are now out of network and prescription costs have increased. We have also been forced to get procedures, treatments, and medications re-approved.
This is a harsh reminder that without a union contract, management can raise premiums or change coverage at any time without any Flight Attendant input. It doesn’t have to be this way. Unionized Flight Attendants negotiate Healthcare plans to cover more, lower deductibles and out of pocket expenses, and cap increases from year to year.
Here’s how our Healthcare compares with other airlines:

As part of their contract, Hawaiian management covers all medical expenses over $1,500. United AFA Flight Attendants can choose from more than 30 coverage options.
Without a union contract, we are at the mercy of management and how much they decide to raise our premiums and downgrade our care to keep the company’s costs lower. With a contract, we can have control over if, when, and how much our premiums go up. And we’ll help determine the quality of our Healthcare.
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