Flying under the radar doesn’t fly
Labor Day weekend is a time to celebrate the American worker’s accomplishments of the past, but also an opportunity to recommit ourselves to improving our own future.
The Delta AFA Organizing Committee has reached thousands of Delta Flight Attendants. We’re building real momentum and visibility - now it's time to focus on demonstrating our overwhelming majority of support for our union by collecting the physical cards necessary to call for an election and wearing our union pins loud and proud.
We have the support - we just need to show it. It's time for everyone to pitch in so we can finally gain our legal rights and a real voice on the job.
Here’s the simple truth: Flying under the radar doesn’t fly.
Starting this Labor Day weekend, we’re calling on everyone who wants a union to show it proudly by wearing an AFA pin. This is how we win!
I know it can be intimidating. I remember the first time I pinned an AFA pin onto my uniform. I was nervous at first too. But then I started to feel strong and powerful. And I feel that every time I go to work.
We have a choice. We can step out of our comfort zones and show our flying partners where we stand, or we can keep the status quo and let management keep all the cards.
Labor Day celebrates workers who took huge risks to improve their lives and the lives of their coworkers—including the Flight Attendants who first formed our union more than 75 years ago to turn our job into a career.
Today, we can finally join them by building our own union at Delta to create the workplace we deserve.
The first step is a simple act of courage. Wear your AFA pin every day. Wear it proudly. Talk to your flying partners about why you support our union at Delta.
We know how critical it is for Delta Flight Attendants to secure our union. Sign your union card and then sign up to join our campaign. This is our chance, and we’re the only ones who can make sure we succeed. We have to do it together.
In solidarity,
Christina Simonin
Delta AFA ATL Flight Attendant
Union Flight Attendants secure $4.2 billion in improvements