Delta ALPA Pilots got another raise thanks to their contract. Will we?
Last week United ALPA Pilots approved their Tentative Agreement and because Delta Pilots have a “me too” clause in their contract, Delta pilots got an additional 2.012% pay raise to match the increase of United Pilots' hourly wage.
That equates to a 20% raise this year. We congratulate Delta ALPA pilots for negotiating this into their industry leading contract.
Will we see the same? Maybe. Who knows.

Alaska, American, and United Flight Attendant contract negotiations are heating up. American management’s first compensation counter proposal included our (Delta) pay rates, with boarding pay and an additional 5% direct contribution to 401k. AA Flight Attendants won’t settle for this. This is a starting proposal with much more bargaining to do before reaching an agreement.
Delta management is seeing our campaign grow stronger by the day. Soon Flight Attendant union contracts will include higher rates, actual boarding/ground time pay, and more.
Management may try to distract us with another raise or an “improvement” they say we want. Or they may not. The truth is we never know what’s coming next. It’s always gray. Ed Bastian would never put up with this from the company and neither should we.
Management would rather spend their time and money on running an anti-union campaign and hiring union-busters to deter us from achieving union representation and a legal seat at the table to set the highest standards in the industry at the most profitable airline.
We’ll take a raise and improvements any day and lock it all in with our union and a legally-binding contract. Sign your card, then sign up to join hundreds of our flying partners as an activist on our campaign.
In Solidarity,
Your Delta AFA Organizing Committee
How AFA Alaska’s Industry-Leading Boarding Pay compares to ours
Management “Solutions” Won’t Work, But We Know What Will