Delta AFA Expresses Outrage and Issues Demands Regarding Delta’s Response to Harassment of Flight Attendants

The Delta AFA Steering Committee sent the following letter to our leadership team, demanding decisive and public action in support of Delta Flight Attendants. This is what our union is about – standing up for our flying partners.
Delta Flight Attendants have voiced their outrage over recent events on social media. Using our open-door policy and internal social media channels, we communicated our frustrations to leadership, demanding a strong statement in support of our Flight Attendants. Instead, we were met with silence, and some colleagues were asked to amend their comments, removing terms describing the perpetrators as bigots and racists.
July 11, 2024
Ed Bastian, CEO
Delta Air Lines
1030 Delta Boulevard
Atlanta, GA 30354-1989
Dear Mr. Bastian,
Working Delta Flight Attendants have been subject to harassment after pictures taken without their consent were circulated on social media with false, inflammatory, and discriminatory allegations. Delta's social media responses showed contempt for current employees, and the subsequent lack of public response and concern for the safety of all crew members is unacceptable. We are calling on Delta management to issue a public apology, strengthen protections for crew members, and address shortcomings in your corporate social media moderation strategy.
On July 9, 2024, Delta Air Lines’ official X account responded to a post of two pictures taken of Delta Flight Attendants without their consent while performing their duties wearing small Palestine flag pins, as has been the practice of celebrating diverse heritage of crew for decades. The official Delta account initially responded, “Nothing to worry, this is being investigated already,” and subsequently added “I hear you as I’d be terrified as well.” Both responses are now deleted.
The Delta AFA Steering Committee underscores that these incidents reflect a repeated failure by Delta management to stand up for Flight Attendants. It is deeply troubling to publicly witness Delta seemingly affirm bigoted and inflammatory comments. Targeting any individuals on the basis of their nationality violates anti-discrimination laws, is antithetical to Delta’s stated commitment to inclusivity and respect, and encourages a hostile work environment.
Current work provisions stating that Flight Attendants can “request they not be recorded or photographed and/or identified on camera” fail to protect us from doxxing and other forms of harassment resulting from non-consensual recording. Under current rules, Delta management leaves Flight Attendants vulnerable to harassment, which is unacceptable especially given the industry-wide increase in aggressive verbal and physical harassment from passengers since 2020.
Finally, public comments from Delta’s moderation team, regardless of leadership approval, represent our airline to the world. These incidents underscore an urgent need for a social media moderation and feedback protocol that also ensures the safety and dignity of crew members.
The Delta AFA Steering Committee, the national representative body of Delta Flight Attendants organizing our union, demands the following:
- Public Apology: Delta leadership must publicly apologize to the targeted crew members, confirm that pins representing the flags of different nations are allowed per policy, and denounce the moderator's response. Leadership must further issue an unambiguous statement from Delta explicitly stating all employees deserve a safe and harassment-free work environment.
- Protection for Crew Members: A public statement implementing the prohibition of non-consensual photography of crew members while on duty or in uniform.
- Social Media Moderation: Immediate action to address shortcomings in its corporate social media moderation strategy, ensuring proper handling of sensitive situations and upholding company values.
For decades, it has been common practice for crew members to wear pins reflecting their heritage. The strength of diversity at network airlines is celebrated as a reflection of the places and people we connect around the world.
On this Steering Committee, we represent the same diversity that comprises all Delta employees and passengers, including Jewish and Arab world Flight Attendants. At work, one’s humanity must remain intact. Everyone should be able to freely express their pride and support for their heritage without encountering hostility or discrimination from employers or customers. We strongly condemn the racist sentiment in our company's response to this incident. Bigotry has no place in our society. It attacks the very core values of respect and equality. We will continue to build our union so we can work with Delta to have transparent communication and accountability.
We know aviation works by connecting people with dignity and respect, and we do that everyday. We must stand united against discrimination in all its forms, ensuring everyone is treated with fairness and dignity.
The Delta AFA Steering Committee
Rasaq Adeyemi, ATL
Michael Bearman, DTW
Angela Brewer, MSP
Shameka Brown, ATL
Kara Dupuis, ATL
Becky Ley, NYC
Brittany Norris, NYC
Will Vaughan, SEA
Warren Walker, SEA
Walid Zeid, DTW
Joanne Smith, EVP and Chief People Officer
Allison Ausband, EVP and Chief Customer Experience Officer
Kristen Manion Taylor, SVP Inflight Service
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