Cancelled, delayed, nowhere to stay
Once again, we are dealing with an irregular operation (IROP) across the system caused by summer’s severe weather. However, the bad weather does not justify Delta management’s unfair and inconsistent treatment of Delta Flight Attendants.
Without the protection of a union and a contract, Delta management is able to cancel our pay and violate our work rules as it is convenient to them.
We are forced to accept this inconsistent treatment, without any recourse, as we are reminded we are terminable employees when asked by Crew Scheduling, “Are you refusing to fly?”
Delta management notified us at three o’clock in the morning of June 26 authorizing incentive pay (IPY) for trips originating on that same day. But this incentive comes days late. This is reactive instead of proactive. This is an IROP that affects all airlines with a presence in NYC. Without our union, we experience IROPs much differently.
Many of us have experienced canceled trips without pay protection, difficulty commuting in or out of base, being flown into our off days, and overall being disrespected by Delta management and Crew Scheduling.
Irregular operations are a known and common issue in the airline industry. This is why we need a union contract so that we are protected, and so that there is a detailed plan in a contract for Delta management and Flight Attendants to follow during an IROP, and a process to hold management accountable if they violate the contract. A contract is good for both Delta Flight Attendants and management.
At United, Flight Attendants have pay guarantees in case their flights cancel or change. For United Flight Attendants who are starting their duty day at base and their flight is canceled, Section 7.Q.1. their contract requires reassignments to be made within (4) hours of being notified of any loss in the pairing.
Compare that to the work conditions we are subject to, having to sit availability in order to be “pay protected” and having to be available for hours to avoid receiving a CFSM from Crew Scheduling.
United AFA also met with management in real time and confirmed alternative options including: alternative people to call or email when you can't reach scheduling to establish notification window, if your pairing is disrupted and have no assignment stay at the hotel, approaching the end of max duty day and you can't reach scheduling — tell base management and ask them to book a room for you, call the Hotel Desk, or the Supervisor on Demand, and/or get your own hotel which management will reimburse. You get it — United Flight Attendants are getting additional real time options and protection.
It is time we stop accepting this inconsistent treatment from Delta management. Let’s form our union so that we can negotiate a contract that will force management to respect us, and that will protect our pay and jobs.
We have the power to make these changes as a collective group. Sign your card,join the campaign, talk about your union with your flying partners, wear your pin! It’s time we secure our union.
In Unity,
Your Delta AFA Organizing Committee