AFA Built the Flight Attendant Career
During Women's History Month every March, we honor the founding Flight Attendants of our Flight Attendant Union. For 75 years, the Flight Attendants of AFA have built a career as aviation’s first responders. AFA advocacy has achieved important contractual, legal, legislative, and regulatory improvements, including:
- Elimination of Height, Age and Gender Restrictions
- Women’s Right to Lead Flight Attendant Positions
- Single Hotel Rooms
- Seniority Merger Protections
- Domestic Partner Benefits and Equal Pay
- Duty Day and Crew Rest Protections
- Minimum Staffing on Aircraft
- Improved Cabin Safety, Including Floor-Level Exits and Less Flammability of Aircraft Cabin
- Whistleblower Protection
- Equal Access to Family and Medical Leave
- Flight Attendant Drug and Alcohol Program (FADAP)
- Defined OSHA Standards in the Cabin
- Known Crewmember (KCM) for Flight Attendants
- No Knives on Planes
- Training for Recognition and Reporting of Human Trafficking
- 10 Hours Minimum Rest
- Payroll Support Program (Delta received nearly $12 Billion)
"Industry standard" doesn't just happen. It takes Flight Attendants across the industry organizing together in AFA to achieve fair compensation, job security, and improved quality of life.
“We came to work for the adventure but after a while it became clear that we wanted to make it our career. When we organized (what became AFA), we put ourselves on equal footing with the pilots. We were more than Sky Girls. We were partners in the cabin.” — Ada Brown, AFA Founder
The pandemic made clear to all of us that all Flight Attendants are "United by Wings." What happens to one Flight Attendant workgroup affects every Fight Attendant. Now is our time to join with Flight Attendants across the industry in AFA and continue to build our careers together—sign your card, update your card, and join our campaign today.
In Solidarity,
Delta AFA
Union Flight Attendants secure $4.2 billion in improvements