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Leave No Delta Family Member Behind: Sign the Commuter Petition

The COVID-19 pandemic has created significant challenges industry wide for crew members commuting to work. With less flight frequency in almost all markets, equaling fewer available seats, and the recent decision to close and downsize Flight Attendant crew bases, Delta has created an increase in the number of commuters. 

Delta recognized the need to provide pilots with positive space while commuting to work. In contrast, Delta chose to make only minor improvements to the existing Unable to Commute Policy for Flight Attendants facing equal challenges.

Sign the Commuter Petition: Leave No Delta Family Member Behind>


Additionally, Flight Attendants who travel to work by means other than air, often face delays outside their control and should be availed of the same policy exceptions provided in a UTC with Unable to Report provisions (UTR). 

Communication regarding jumpseat access for flights with weight and balance issues lacks clarity and consistency in application, creating additional problems for crew members commuting to work. 

A comprehensive commuter policy should include everyone.

Sign the Commuter Petition>