Building our Flight Attendant Union at Delta

This Memorial Day, we pay tribute to the service and sacrifice of our military and their families. We rededicate ourselves to honoring their service by fighting for good jobs and healthy communities at home.
Today, May 31, is also International Flight Attendant Appreciation Day.
It’s been a challenging but important year for Flight Attendants and our country. From fighting for—and securing—the Payroll Support Program (PSP) to ensuring the FAA enforces a zero tolerance policy for unruly passengers, we’ve used our collective voice to protect our industry, our jobs and ourselves.
As our passengers return, our planes fill and our schedules build back, we’re also stepping up our campaign to make sure this coming year is the year we achieve the security and dignity of our Flight Attendant Union at Delta Air Lines.
Watch this video for next steps in our campaign!
Delta Flight Attendants were integral to saving our airline and the industry during the worst crisis in 100 years—rallying in Atlanta (twice!), Detroit (twice!), Salt Lake City, Orlando, Denver, and more to secure nearly $11 billion in PSP grants to keep Delta Flight Attendants and other Delta workers on the job throughout the pandemic.
As Delta’s COVID restrictions are lifted, look for your flying partners in lounges and on the concourse, stop by to ask questions, or grab an AFA pin or sticker to show your support for our Flight Attendant Union at Delta!
Flight Attendants across our industry have shown the power we have when we speak together with one voice. As the industry flies to recovery and with PSP pay and furlough protections in place through September 30, 2021, now is the time for Delta Flight Attendants to organize for a real voice in our workplace with our union.
This year has shown why we chose to organize with AFA. The Payroll Support Program was AFA’s plan, and together we led every step of the way to secure the program and extend it twice.
Even in the midst of the greatest threat aviation has faced, AFA was able to lock in 9 contracts at airlines with union representation—gaining better wages, working conditions and benefits for our flying partners. Working together, we can lock in everything we love about our jobs at Delta AND make sure we have a legally-binding contract that protects us and guarantees that we’re able to share in the wealth we create at Delta.
Watch this video for next steps in our campaign!And join us to make positive change at Delta. Get involved with our Delta AFA campaign.
I am so proud to be a Flight Attendant alongside you—Happy Flight Attendant Appreciation Day! We’ll see you in an airport or on the line soon.
In Solidarity,
Sara Nelson
AFA International President
P.S. Need an AFA pin or to update your card? Request it here.
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