AFA Newsletter: April 14, 2020
In this edition (April 14, 2020):
- We Need a Minimum Guarantee
- April 9 Town Hall Recording
- What AFA Can Do: AFA Alaska Agreement for Hawaii Turns during COVID-19
- Get Involved
We Need a Minimum Guarantee
Delta Flight Attendants fought hard to help Delta Air Lines secure the necessary relief money through the CARES Act. This money is critical to us as frontline workers to stay on the job and connected to our healthcare
TAKE ACTION: Flight Attendants Need a Minimum Guarantee
This money is allocated by Congress to specifically ensure that Flight Attendants and other aviation workers continue to receive a paycheck, but at Delta we don't have a guaranteed number of hours each month. Our competitors have told their Flight Attendants that they will be paid the minimum 71 hour line guarantee and 75 or 78 hours reserve guarantee, per their contracts.
We need the stability of a minimum hours guarantee every month as we navigate this unpredictable period together.
April 9 Town Hall Recording
On April 9, 2020, AFA conducted a Town Hall Call to answer questions in real time from Delta Flight Attendants about our efforts to become full members with AFA and issues around COVID-19.Listen to the archived version of the call >
What AFA Can Do: AFA Alaska Agreement for Hawaii Turns during COVID-19
In times of crisis, AFA Leadership will negotiate with management on temporary terms recognizing the needs of the operation while prioritizing the safety and welfare of Flight Attendants.
For example, Alaska's Hawaii flying is being reduced to two daily roundtrips from the mainland—one from SEA and one from LAX. AFA Alaska Leadership and management have agreed to continue operating Hawaii flying as turns through the end of June out of an abundance of caution and due to the State of Hawaii’s quarantine requirements. Effective Thursday, April 16, these turns will be operated in accordance with AFA LOA 2020-04-10 [Hawaii Turns Due to COVID-19 Restrictions].
Key provisions of this Letter of Agreement include:
- The 4-person crew (A, B, C, and D position) will work both legs of the turn.
- Turns will be augmented with two additional Flight Attendants; one of the additional Flight Attendants will work to Hawaii as an augmented crewmember (E position) and deadhead back to the mainland.
- The other additional Flight Attendant will deadhead to Hawaii and work back to the mainland as an augmented crewmember.
- All Flight Attendants will be paid two times (2.0x) the rate of pay for any TFP (comparable to 1.13 flight hours) flown on a Hawaii turn.
- Crew rest seats and breaks will be provided (see the LOA for specifics).
Get Involved
Print an authorization card here >
Want to get more involved in our campaign for our Flight Attendant Union? This is your campaign. It is open to all Delta Flight Attendants.
Contact an Organizer at 1-844-4DALAFA